Live Case Studies

We’ve spent years building our own multi-million dollar companies, and growing others’ multi-million dollar companies. Below is a small sample of what we’ve done and what we can do.

case study

B2B Lead Generation

Using LinkedIn and email outreach tactics, our B2B lead generation team generates a target level of weekly meetings for specific purposes. In the case of the below examples, we targeted sponsorships and keynote speaking engagements for our client and partner, Dr. Nandi of the Ask Dr. Nandi Show, an Emmy award-winning TV show which is internationally syndicated. For our own company, Venture Growers, we targeted new clients and networking opportunities.

Results and Highlights

Within the first few weeks of the campaigns, we generated dozens of inquiries and bookings with major companies that we are in the process of converting into paying clients. The campaigns continue to generate a steady stream of incoming bookings, all of which we are working on steadily converting from leads into sales at a high conversion rate.

We can clearly see that our team is able to scale target weekly booked meetings up or down as needed with the goal of fully maxing out a sales team’s capacity. At the same time, we can target companies in any niche and of any size in order to align with your B2B sales and branding goals.

Warning: this approach is very heavy on the sales team due to the high volume of booked meetings – make sure they are prepared.

Examples of B2B Leads Generated:
Lead Generated & Converted to Sale

A leading corporation generating $300mm+ in revenue per year. After 3 meetings, several decks and almost 30 email exchanges, we closed a major sponsorship deal with this company. All started with a cold email originating from the B2B lead generation campaign.
Lead Generated & In Negotiations

Market leader with over $100mm in revenue per year. Meetings set and partnership discussions being had.
Lead Generated & In Negotiations

An innovative, fast-growing company that recently raised $18.8mm in funding. In final stages of negotiations for a partnership across major key areas. 
Lead Generated & In Negotiations

An international tech company looking to aggressively expand after raising $9mm in its quest for market domination. In final negotiations.
Lead Generated

Beloved multi-million dollar market leading fish monger company.
Case Study: in-house publisher

Healthy Holistic Living

Timeline: 2014 to Present 

Relationship: In-house property


Infrastructure upgrade: Starting in 2014, moved the site over from an archaic CMS to a custom WordPress build and developed a monetizable infrastructure involving advertising (Google AdWords, Google DFP, Direct Ad Sales, Header Bidding, Affiliates, etc). 

Operations upgrade: Built a lean and effective content creation team and system capable of producing trending, viral content, fact-checked, well-researched content from assignment to production to publishing within 24 hours. Onboarded and contributing writers included naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, nutritionists, chiropractors, spiritual healers and other varied people who were experts in their fields. 

Traffic Generated

10mm+ unique monthly visitors

Using a mix of organic Facebook, search engine and email traffic, generated as many as 10 million monthly unique visitors to the website at its peak, with an average of 4-6 million unique visitors per month during slower months. 

Facebook Growth

1.8 million Facebook followers

Grew to 1.8 million followers with 100% organic strategies and zero in paid advertising.

Email Growth

150,000 email subscribers

Sending out a mix of weekly and monthly newsletters in combination with partnering with other email lists for growth opportunities.

Facebook Group Growth

60.6K members

Using our community building strategies, we’ve organically grown the group from 0 in a matter of months and are already using it to generate our own sales and drive traffic.

Case Study: in-house product company


Timeline: 2018 to Present

Relationship: In-house property


Sales infrastructure setup: Built online marketing infrastructure including website shop, backend logistics, landing pages, email systems, social media pages and any other online assets required to create a monetizable foundation. Now running a B2B Lead Generation campaign (see Case Study at top of page) to generate medical professionals’ business by offering products at wholesale rates.

Product and sales support infrastructure setup: Developed branding, labelling, product formulation from a marketing perspective, packaging and ensuring FDA compliance.  Providing ongoing customer service and product support.

Affiliate Management

20+ Affiliate Deals

Generated affiliate deals with major publishers who are now promoting our products. We provide them with pre-tested copy that we first test on our own publishing company.

Facebook Group Product Sales

60.6K members + Daily sales

We have monetized our Facebook Group with product sales and are generating sales everyday with $0 in advertising expenses.

Email Newsletter Product Sales

150,000 subscribers monetised with product sales

We’ve monetized our Email newsletters with product sales and are generating sales everyday with $0 in advertising expenses. We are also using the email newsletter for affiliate deals and cross-sales to create further growth.

Case Study: Consulting + SMM

ecoNugenics + Dr Isaac Eliaz

Timeline: 2019 to Present 

Relationship: Consulting, SEO and Social Media

Site: and

Work on ecoNugenics: Supported the content marketing strategy to help educate the world about the incredible products that ecoNugenics has formulated. Helped grow their social media following on Facebook and their blog

Work on Dr. Isaac Eliaz: Helped Dr. Isaac Eliaz build a solid online community primarily on Facebook while also building up the SEO and content on his Blog.

Sales Support

Millions of dollars in yearly sales

Provided ongoing consulting and strategy to help the company’s in-house team generate millions of dollars in supplement sales.

Facebook Growth

1,000’s of new Facebook followers

Grew ecoNugenics to 39K+ followers and Dr. Eliaz to 149K+ followers.

Facebook Group Growth

5.1K+ targeted members

Using our community building strategies, we’ve organically grown the group from 0 in a matter of months and are now using it to generate product sales, drive traffic and build brand awareness.